
AI data privacy

  • DraftPilot uses OpenAI's API platform for ChatGPT.
  • Your data will not be used by OpenAI to train their public model. DraftPilot will also not use any of your data for AI training purposes.

Encryption and infrastructure

  • Data is encrypted at rest (AES-256) and in transit (TLS 1.2).
  • Hosting of this application (“DraftPilot”) is provided by Heroku, a cloud-based platform that complies with PCI, HIPAA, ISO, and SOC.
  • Physical server security is managed by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Product security

  • Dependency updates ensure security patches are implemented as required.
  • Vulnerability scans of the system are conducted after any significant change, to identify and resolve security vulnerabilities.
  • Automated implementation tests ensure systems adhere to relevant security standards.
  • Automated event logging tracks and records occurrences for critical systems, including associated applications, and any data affected by the events.
  • Backend system access is restricted to a limited number of authorised users.

Organisational security

  • DraftPilot's employees, contractors and affiliates are bound by confidentiality obligations.
  • All employees are undergo security training regarding proper use of the internet and email to protect against malware, phishing, and ransomware.
  • Individuals with access to DraftPilot’s systems must use multi-factor authentication (MFA) and adhere to a strict password policy.
  • DraftPilot has policies in place regarding: security, vendor risk management, vulnerability identification and management, incident response, data classification, and proper use.
  • DraftPilot conducts annual reviews of all security related practices and policies.

Data security

  • DraftPilot conducts annual reviews of all data related processes and policies.
  • Please see the DraftPilot privacy policy for information on how we collect and use data.
